What: Clogging Classes
Where: Amity Presbyterian Church, in Johnston Hall
Location: 2831 N. Sharon Amity Rd., Charlotte, NC
When: September 7 – October 26 (8 weeks)
What Time: Beginners, 7:00 – 8:00 PM; Intermediates, 8:00 – 8:30 PM
Instructor: Allen Cooke, director of former Skyline Cloggers of Charlotte
Ages: Kids (7-ish) & Up
Price: Beginners – $25, Intermediates – $15
An 8-week class in traditional step clog dancing begins September 7. In addition to steps, the class will include some basic figures, which the Intermediate class can participate in. Clogging is an original North Carolina Folk Dance and is great aerobic exercise. You can get into the best physical condition attainable and preserve a NC heritage.
Contact: 704-366-3334 (Allen Cooke)
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